Ines Nerina
Diabetes & Lifestyle Projects


Attending the IDF Europe Youth Leadership Camp in Turkey taught us many things. 
We made new buddies, ate new food and learnt new dance moves. We got an opportunity to widen our horizons and meet inspiring people who achieved the impossible. But most importantly: we found a family!
It gave us a new understanding of what it means to live with diabetes. It gave us purpose: to change the world and make it a better place for all of us living with diabetes.

Participarea la IDF Europe Youth Leadership Camp in Turcia ne-a invatat o multime de lucruri. Ne-am facut prieteni noi, am incercat noi feluri de mancare si am invatat miscari noi de dans. Am avut uriasa oportunitate de a ne largi orizonturile si de a intalni oameni inspirationali care au reusit imposibilul. Dar cel mai important: ne-am creat o noua familie! Aceasta experienta ne-a oferit o noua perspectiva asupra vietii cu diabet si o noua misiune: sa schimbam lumea si sa o facem mai buna pentru toti cei care au diabet.

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