Ines Nerina
Diabetes & Lifestyle

Supereroii nu se dau bătuți

Am fost ieri la premiera filmului Avengers si a fost destul de amuzant pentru mine pentru ca nu urmarisem niciun film din serie, nu stiam personajele si abia daca aveam habar cine era Iron Man si nu intelegeam de ce toti baietii din sala stateau cu sufletul la gura pana la final. In sfarsit, am plecat de la cinema cu urmatorul gand: cu totii suntem supereroi si fiecare dintre noi are o superputere. A mea este ca nu am dau batuta niciodata si ca imi transform defectele in cele mai mari calitati ale mele.
Care e superputerea ta?



I went yesterday to the Avengers premiere and it was pretty funny for me because I didn’t watch the series, didn’t know the characters, barely knew who Iron Man was and didn’t understand why all the guys were super hyped until the end.
Nonetheless, I left the cinema theater with this thought: we all are superheroes and each and everyone of us has a power. Mine is that I don’t give up and I turn my flaws into my biggest strengths. 
What’s your superpower?

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