Încep seria de postări din Paris cu acest shooting pe Champs-Élysées. Pentru cei ce nu știu, m-am mutat temporar în mijlocul Parisului datorită unei burse de studiu Erasmus. Voi avea ocazia să studiez pentru a doua oară la universitatea Sorbona din inima celui mai frumos oraș din lume. Bineînțeles că voi posta multe postări cu outfituri de aici pentru că totul este absolut superb. Pe lângă faptul că orașul este ticsit de locuri istorice, muzee celebre, străzi faimoase, orice colțișor de aici arătă deosebit pentru poze.
Pentru că am avut ocazia să prind cel mai mare și celebru bulevard al Parisului închis pentru mașini chiar la două zile după ce m-am instalat în cartierul Montparnasse.
Așa că nu am stat pe gânduri și am pornit să facem primele poze marca Paris.
Of course I kept my style in this context as well, the same “comfort chic style” that I adore. The feminine and simple outfits, not complicated by accessories, express my personality and the key word is functionality. Nike sport wear offers me support, the pink bag in which I place all my diabetes supplies, a striped H&M turtleneck, and a skirt of imitation leather at the bottom.
What seemed to me to be absolutely brilliant was that we had an incredible sync. As soon as we finished the pictures in the middle of the street, police began to send the people back to the sidewalk to give the car traffic access again on the boulevard. So I was twice as happy as we were able to capture these unique moments on the camera. From my point of view, the Champs-Élysées are too busy for my tastes.
Obviously, it has an “je ne sais quoi” because here you can find the most expensive stores, luxury car agencies, boutiques of the most known fashion designers. It’s a vibrant boulevard, where you can smell expensive perfumes, desires. It’s perhaps the quintessence of the Parisian dream in which you look at Cartier’s necklace in the beautifully polished display case. Basically, this Champs-Élysées is an experience on its own whether you choose to walk around, shop, fetch a YSL bag, or even take pictures for your blog.
So, from the hospital bed, being at intensive care, I gave the Erasmus interview over the phone three years later. I managed to get the scholarship for the second time and here I am, a master student at the Sorbonne again! It’s a status that rises if you know how to take advantage of it. But unlike the first stage, this is very different … But I’m happier and fulfilled that I have the extraordinary chance of benefiting from so many incredible things. The first thing I did when I arrived in Paris was to buy a sensor that monitors non-stop the blood glucose, which helped me enormously to enjoy life more. Then I was on Champs-Élysées to take pictures for ths blog that gives me so much joy.
Outfit: Helancă H&M
Fustă din imitație de piele
Pantofi sport Nike
Locație: Champs-Élysées, Paris
Photo credits: Filip H.